Savings Services
This is a non-withdrawable account where a member’s deposits are accumulated through monthly savings. This account can be opened by both individual and corporate members.
The deposits may be used as collateral/security for various loan products offered by the Sacco. Deposits/Savings are refundable when a member terminates his/her membership anytime. At the end of the financial year the deposits earns interest/dividends.
Member Savings
This is a savings account where deposit can be placed for a defined period between 6-12 months but can be refunded to the depositor within 14 days of notice with an agreed interest. The funds in this account can be used to guarantee a loan.
Loan/Credit Services
A member is eligible for a loan after 3 months and after a minimum total deposit of kshs 600 and with a share capital of kshs 5000. All loans are given at an interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance method and also attracts an insurance charge at 2%.
The product is meant for development purposes. It is repayable within a maximum of 36 months. Security provided for the loan maybe guarantors, collaterals like logbook or title deed or any other form of security approved by the management.
The applicant must be an active member of the Sacco:
- Have accumulated member deposits up to 30% of the loan application.
- Be a member of a group for guarantee purposes and be ready to attend group meetings.
- Demonstrate ability to repay.
- Provide previous business records for one (1) year.
- Provide projected income/expenditure budget.
- Clearly demonstrate existence of other sources of income.
- The applicant must be an active member of the SACCO.
- Have accumulated member deposits up to 30% of the loan application.
- Provide Projected income/expenditure budget.
- Demonstrate ability to repay the loan.
- Provide adequate guarantor ship/security acceptable within the loaning policy.
- Clearly demonstrate existence of other sources of income.
- Minimum Ksh. 30,000.
- Maximum Kshs. 1,500,000.
D. Repayment Period
- Maximum of 3 Years.
Emergency loans normally cater for unforeseen situations like school fees, hospital bills and other unforeseen situations.
- Maximum amount Kshs 200,000.
- Repayment period 12 months.
- Interest rate 1% per month on reducing balance.
- Loan processed within two days.
- The applicant must be an active member of SACCO.
- Have accumulated member deposits up to 30% of the loan application.
- Demonstrate ability to repay.
- Provide documentary evidence such as fees structure, hospital bills etc.
- Security for the loan will be guarantors, motor vehicle logbook or any item approved by the management.
- Special emergency loan