Cereal Growers Association

Promoting Locally Led Climate Resilient Livelihoods for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in Makueni County, Kenya (PLACRM)


Improving food and nutritional security and household economic resilience through the adoption of climate resilient farming systems and practices.

Target Beneficiaries:

The project targets to benefit 1,500 farmers (30% youth and 60% women).

Targeted Value chain:

Cowpeas, Pigeon Peas, High Iron Beans, and Green Grams that are high in micronutrients (nutrient-dense).

The expected outcomes of the projects are:

  • Enhanced capacity and adoption by smallholder farmers through locally led adaptation and climate risk management practices.
  • Improved climate resilient livelihoods and household food security among smallholder farmers.


  • County Government of Makueni, Department of Agriculture, Agroforestry, & Environment.
  • Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO).
  • World Council of Churches.
  • International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).
  • Kenya Meteorological Department.
  • International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
  • Private Sector Actors (Input suppliers/agro-dealers, Output buyers, Financial Institutions)