Cereal Growers Association

Technologies for Africa Agriculture Transformation (TAAT II)


The role of CGA is to assist the Compact with the deployment of high iron bean technologies through capacity building, strengthening of SMEs, conducting demonstration and farmer outreach, deployment of innovation platforms (IP) and tracking of recipients of TAAT bean technologies. The High Iron Bean Compact sees CGA as a critical player in the knowledge sharing and outreach to farmers on successful bean technologies and growing business along the bean value chain for sustainability using the bean corridor approach. It is a vital step to scaling of technologies through direct connections with end users to ensure the transfer of knowledge, technologies and best practices to farmers. Partnering with CGA provides a strategic point of entry for TAAT technologies to be fully integrated into the High Iron Bean farming systems in Kenya through complementarity with private sector grain producers and marketers, development organizations in grain production and marketing, and related initiatives.

The Sub-Grant will contribute to:

  • Availability and access to climate-smart micronutrient high-iron bean varieties by smallholder farmers in Kenya.
  • Improved productivity and production of high-iron beans in Kenya.
  • Ease of access to the market by high-iron bean farmers at competitive prices.
  • Enhanced value addition and processing of the high-iron beans for improved marketability and consumption.
  • Enhanced youth and women’s inclusion in bean business along the value chain for improved livelihood and resilience.


  • Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
  • Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS)
  • Ministry of Agriculture